Monday, December 27, 2010

Weigh In, Week 5

Did you notice a few weeks kind of slipped by? Yeah they did, but I am starting again and I think that is what really matters.

Here is my surprising numbers for the week:
Today's Weight: 223.5
Start Weight: 230.5
Total Loss: -7

That's right, believe it or not I only gained .5 pounds back! Am I happy about this? Yes and no. I am happy because I ate what I wanted and did not focus on the working out like I wanted and I only gained a half of pound back! I am not happy with this because now I will have that little voice in the back of my head saying, look at how much you cheated and it did not affect you that much.... I really hate that little voice!

A small update on my life that will help improve my weight loss is that I will soon be going to part time at the theater. It means so much scary stuff like loss of free insurance, a pay cut, no guaranteed hours, and just that loss of security. But with all that I am going to be afraid of, I am so thankful that I am going to be allowed to do it. I have found that my stress level going down, my bad habits that I have formed here such as all the fast food I eat, and the opportunity to spend more time with my Adie is so worth it! With the support of my wonderful husband and his comment that we will make it because we always do, I made the call and am now just waiting to see what they are officially going to do with me. I will keep you all updated on the progress.

The good news is that I also have an amazing neighbor who is helping me get jobs that I am able to do at home. My official title is Virtual Assistant. I am able to help people from home accomplish tasks such as e-mail maintenance, website maintenance, blogging, facebook, twitter, as well as research and... well you get the point. I will be helping people with what they need me to do! I am so excited!

Well- I hope everyone has an amazing week!!!! I will try and give you an update mid week to let you know how my diet is progressing. I am really hoping to go below the 223 mark!! :)


Monday, December 6, 2010

Weigh in, Week 4!

Just thought I would share a little of the splurge of the week with you... Christian Bale on the cover of Esquire! The article was good.... but the pictures were better! :)

This week felt successful.... but only when it came to working out. I worked out 5 days last week! Let me just say, I loved it!! I tried something different every day, and just had fun while I did it. Some days were hard, some days I did not want to do it at all, and one day I bribed myself out of bed with the promise of Mint Oreos after the work out. Counterproductive? Most defiantly!

Last week I decided to focus on the work out part only. Here is what my weight is looking like:

Start weight: 230.5
Week 3: 223
Total Loss: -7.5

No loss and no gain. I stayed the same. I actually am not too upset with that. I ate a lot of crap last week! I know I did not use the excuse that I worked out therefore I could eat what I wanted... I really think I just did not care. I need to change that! I know I would have lost weight if I watched what I ate along with working out. I am really good at sabotaging myself.

This week starts with Zumba! I did post the workouts I did last week in the post before this one. Check it out! I have been having so much fun working out with my friend!!

What I accomplished last week:
* Set a goal to work out more and stayed with it!!

Goals for this week:
* Put focus back on eating right.
* Continue my workout routine.

I know that the Weight Watchers diet changed. I can not wait to read all about it! :)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Working Out

I know... I know... I said I was going to focus on working out this week...

AND I DID!! :)

Here is what my week looked like.

Monday- 1 mile with Leslie Sansone, 10 min abs
Tuesday- 30 min of body sculpting, 10 min abs
Wednesday- Introduction to Tae Bo (which made me hurt!), 10 min abs
Thursday- 20 min shred with Jillian
Friday- off
Saturday- Yoga
Sunday- it is yet to be seen. :)

Just thought I would share my week so far with you! Now lets not talk about diet.... :)